What is Kena?

Welcome to Kena!

Kena is where hobbyists, students, educators and artists come to collaborate and grow together.

We currently support the following user intentions.

I am here to learn.


Master your skills by learning from the published courses. Learn scales, chords, arpeggios. Practice sheet-music and get unlimited, free, artificial intelligence assesment when you play back.

I am here to practice.


Create practice goals, build your routines and start practicing daily. Compete on leaderboards.

I am here to socialize.


Share your experiences, engage in conversations on music, current trends and have fun.

I am here to build my community.


Create a circle and build your fan base with private circles and secret access.

I am here to teach.


Create an educator circle and build your curriculum within your circle.

I am here to monetize.


Monetize on lessons, sheet-music, guitar tabs, songs, audio and video within your circle or on the Kena content library.

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